Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Catch up.

So, a few things have happened in the past couple of weeks.

I shaved my head for cancer, raising $2700. :)
And I actually love being bald!
I joined a gym, FINALLY!
And im loving it, feeling so much better about myself!
I am slowing getting my monies together and getting ready to move out!
LEAVING THIS TOWN WILL BE SO GOOD! But I have to wait till July, sob.
My lovely boyfriends and I have been together for just over 7 mounths now!
And I could not be happier!
And im still drinking partying and getting up to no good!
Life is amazing right now!

My lovely shaved head and my very supportive boyfriend!

1 comment:

  1. Bek is blogging again! You are an inspiration, I don't think I could ever shave my head. I'm glad life is going well for you :) xx
