Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Catch up.

So, a few things have happened in the past couple of weeks.

I shaved my head for cancer, raising $2700. :)
And I actually love being bald!
I joined a gym, FINALLY!
And im loving it, feeling so much better about myself!
I am slowing getting my monies together and getting ready to move out!
LEAVING THIS TOWN WILL BE SO GOOD! But I have to wait till July, sob.
My lovely boyfriends and I have been together for just over 7 mounths now!
And I could not be happier!
And im still drinking partying and getting up to no good!
Life is amazing right now!

My lovely shaved head and my very supportive boyfriend!

And so it is.

Here's my life in words and photographs, my mischief, my craziness and everything inbetween.

And so it is.